Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Hearty two bean chili

  If you're looking for something really filling and full of delicious protein to keep you warm during these winter months, then here you go! I had mine with crackers, but as I was eating it, I realized it would have been so much better with a nice thick chunk of buttery cast iron skillet cooked cornbread. Next time!
  I was actually looking for a recipe that I had from years ago for a similar two bean chili, but couldn't find it. This one is very close, but still missing something. I omitted the green pepper, and used red wine instead of the juice this recipe calls for, but still, for the life of me, I don't know what's missing. If I ever find that other recipe, I'll be sure to post it. Meantime, enjoy this one. It's pretty good, too!

Original recipe is here.

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