Sunday, January 12, 2014

Gluten Free Chocolate Brownie Cookies

  Get ready, because these are the gooiest, chocolatiest cookies you're likely to have!

  When I was mixing the large amounts of dry ingredients with the relatively small amount of wet, I became concerned that everything was too dry, and wasn't going to work. I added a small amount of water, which then made things too runny. By adding back in more powdered sugar and more cocoa powder, I was able to get things to a cookie-dough like consistency.
  I fear, though, that this is the reason my cookies didn't bake up quite as light as I was expecting, and may have accounted for the somewhat "too chewy" edges. It wasn't enough to spoil these delicious beauties, but I would be more careful the next time around.

The complete recipe can be found at

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