Sunday, March 2, 2014

Pumpkin Hot Chocolate (vegan)

  Yep, pumpkin hot chocolate. I couldn't quite decide if that sounded good to me, or not, when I first read the recipe. I like pumpkin, and I like chocolate, so why not?
  Funny enough, it turns out that my tastebuds didn't quite know what to make of it, either. Though it smelled wonderful, it didn't exactly blow my socks off. It seems like it's missing something. I think maybe I was expecting it to be sweeter, like hot chocolate usually is. I didn't add anything beyond what's called for in the recipe, so maybe a sweet-tooth guy like myself just needs a dash of sugar or something. You may have a different experience. It's a good warm-up-your-insides drink, and I'll be making it again!
  Recipe below: (Original recipe credit goes to Heidi over at Food Doodles)

•2 C milk(almond milk works perfectly)
•¼ C homemade pumpkin puree(use less of store bought puree as it’s thicker)
•¾ tsp pumpkin pie spice
•3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa
•3-4 tbsp maple syrup
•pinch of salt
•dash of vanilla

1.On the stove in a small pot, whisk together the milk, pumpkin, pumpkin pie spice, cocoa, maple syrup(or honey) and pinch of salt.
2.Heat over medium heat until it comes to a boil. Whisk and cook for 2 minutes.
3.Remove from the heat, stir in the vanilla and cool until ready to serve, or serve immediately with a splash of extra milk, a dollop of whipped cream, marshmallows or your favorite other hot chocolate toppings.

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